What is Marketing Writing ? | 13 Tips to Creative SEO Content

Marketing Writing for Unique SEO Friendly Content. Best 13 Tips to Create Amazing Content for Your Blog & Website. Content Marketing Writing Beginner’s Niche 2023.

At Written Updatez, we write SEO friendly and unique content for you. We have many blog posts related to SEO factors for giving you meaningful & useful information.

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In this article, we cover the Content Marketing Writing 13 Best Tips for writing creative, unique & SEO friendly content.

What is Marketing Writing ?

Marketing writing is writing that is used to sell anything. This can be in advertisements, emails, social networks etc. Your goal is to convince people to buy something or sign up. Good marketing copy is easy to understand and gets people interested in what is being sold.

Why is Content Writing Important for Beginners?

Content marketing writing is the process of creating written content, such as blogs and articles, that is useful to people.

This is important because it helps build rapport with people and shows that you know what you’re talking about. This can help you acquire and retain customers, and get people more interested in what you have to offer. Good content writing is important for anyone who wants to be successful online.

Unique SEO Content Writing Tips – Best 13

Here, you can get a complete guide on how to create Unique SEO friendly Content with 13 most useful tips ? Content creation is most important in SEO for giving Creative, Unique & SEO friendly content on your site.

It is very important to know that Content Creation is in search engine optimization to get high rank on google.

1- Use a Template

You don’t have to write content from scratch. Most are divided into several categories: lists, procedures, reviews, etc. So, there are templates for them. You can use them as a base and complete your research.

Use a Template


How do you know which template to use?

It depends on your goals. However, if you want your written content to have the best chance of ranking high in Google and driving organic traffic, choose content that searchers are looking for.

For example, if you Google “content writing” (which you probably have done), you’ll see a lot of top-ranked posts listed.

Use a Template

That’s why we chose this angle, because the top results are a good indicator of what search engines want to see, and therefore, the most likely to rank for Google.

2- Create a Proven Outline

While the templates are good enough to get you started, you may not know exactly what to write.

For example, if we try to write an essay from cover to cover without making an outline, we will quickly get confused.

This article looks like:

Create a Proven Outline

How do we know which points to include? Some points are our unique ideas, but we are also influenced by high-ranking pages.

More specifically, we look for themes and commonalities between the types of questions people want answered and the types of advice they’re looking for to better understand.

For example, using the free Pages report in the any SEO toolbar, we can see several common themes in the top page subheadings.

Create a Proven Outline

As you read this article, you’ll see that we’ve incorporated similar approaches.

3- Make it Shareable

People share content for a variety of reasons. Jonah Berger highlights some of these in his best-selling book Contagion. People share things because:

i) It makes them look good or helps them support their point/narrative.

ii) It makes them feel certain emotions, like anger, surprise, happiness, etc.

iii) This is a matter of the present.

iv) Provides practical value or utility.

v) It has been shared by many others.

Let’s focus on #5.

Taking some initial action is key to bringing your flyer to life, and one way to do this is to create “action triggers” within your content.

You can find “share triggers” by looking for common link reasons in the backlink profiles of similar pages, since links are a form of sharing.

that’s it:

i) Go to any Keyword Explorer.

ii) Find the topic you are writing about.

iii) See SERP overview

iv) Find similar articles with many referring domains.

v) In the Backlinks column, click on the number.

vi) See the “Anchor” and “Destination URL” columns for commonality

Make it Shareable

For example, if we do this for a big commerce post about affiliate marketing, we’ll see some people linking to it because of the aforementioned stats (probably because of the #1 ranking).

Make it Shareable

If you’re writing about the same topic, mentioning these statistics, or similar ones, can increase your shares.

4- Give Unique Angle on your Post

Publishes over 3.5 million blog entries every day. If you want to compete, you have to excel. Stand out by exploring your chosen topic from a unique perspective.

Here is an example. Procrastination is not a new topic. However, Tim Urban’s post on procrastination is one of the most popular on his site (and possibly the Internet). Because? That’s because he’s approaching it from an angle that no one has seen before.

Instead of self-help about the dangers of procrastination, he decides to explain why procrastination happens with beautiful examples: instant gratification monkeys, panic monsters, and more.

Give Unique Angle on your Post

While there’s no foolproof way to find the “angle,” here are some mental models you might want to consider:

Personal Experience: Have you tried anything before? Tell them about your experiences and lessons learned. We do this with our posts on email outreach and SEO certification.

Authority: Are you an expert in the field, can you provide unique insight? So don’t leave it alone. Or, if you’re not an expert, can you interview someone? Our post on Google Penalties does just that.

Crowdsourcing: Get some expert opinion, like we did in our SEO job description post.

Data: Provides evidence and numbers behind popular claims in your niche. Check out our research on affiliate link building and blog post length.

Contrast: What if you did the opposite of what everyone else did?

5- Establish Credibility

Don’t expect people to believe you from the start. Tell them why they should trust you. Because it’s you?

i) Are you an expert in this industry? Are you eligible? Can people vouch for you?

ii) Do you have data or proof to support your claim?

iii) Did you do what you said before? Have you experimented or tried?

As you can see, most of the problems are related to your angle. The angle you choose for your subject will help establish the desired credibility. But don’t stop there. tell them

Scroll down to the introduction of this article. I told you, we have tons of experience creating and publishing content – hundreds, actually.

6- Show, don’t Tell

Giving advice is easy. But don’t let your audience worry. Show them exactly what you want to say and how to do it. Always include examples of what you are talking about.

For example (see what I did there?), when we talk about creating SEO goals, we don’t just give you a framework. We provide examples of three different targets and what they look like in nature.

Show, don’t Tell

7- Craft a Captivating Headline

If the title is dull and boring, people won’t click on your post.

You need to create a compelling headline that grabs people’s attention and makes them want to know more.


Use our 3-step formula as:

Choose a format: The content format you choose (list articles, guides, reviews, etc.) will determine how your headers look.

Add a Winning Angle: If you choose your own angle (from #3), be sure to let potential readers know.

Make it human: Use adjectives or figures of speech as you would casually describe the subject to your best friend.

8- Kickstart your intro with the PAS Formula

Headlines convince people to click. The introduction entices people to read.

Create great presentations using the Problem-Scramble-Solve (PAS) formula. We use it a lot on our blog.

Kickstart your intro with the PAS Formula in marketing writing

How does it work? It begins by defining the problem:

Kickstart your intro with the PAS Formula in marketing writing

Then, you look into their pain and provoke questions:

Kickstart your intro with the PAS Formula in marketing writing

Finally, you guide them by giving them a solution:

Kickstart your intro with the PAS Formula in marketing writing

9- Make your Post easy to read with the ASMR Formula

There is nothing scarier than a wall of text.

Make your Post easy to read with the ASMR Formula, important in content writing

If your articles look like this, it will turn people away. separate

Good writing is easy to read. Make your content readable using the ASMR formula:

Comments: Includes marginal notes, block quotes, callout boxes, and other elements.

Short sentences & paragraphs: Use the Hemingway editor to find long and complex sentences and shorten them.

Multimedia: Use videos, images, GIFs, and tweet embeds to make your point.

Read your material out loud: In a place where your writing isn’t moving.

10- Write how you Talk

Web content writing is friendly and personal. It’s like talking to a friend. Unlike a nature essay, rhetoric or writing is not required.

Your goal is to communicate, not to impress people with your broad vocabulary. So keep it casual and write like you talk.

11- Get feedback on your Marketing Writing

As a creator, you are very close to your work. You will not be able to detect your mistakes. That’s why another person’s opinion is invaluable.

In fact, every blog post and script we write is subject to this type of scrutiny. We take turns reading each other’s drafts and giving feedback and point out things like logic holes, confusion, unclear points, misspelt sentences, etc.

We even tell our readers that not every article is the work of one person. Rather, it is the result of the combined efforts of many people.

Even if you work alone, you can get information from someone else. It could be your spouse, your family, or even your colleagues. Join a community of writers if necessary.

Your support will improve their work.

12- Answer Questions people are Asking

If people are looking for answers to their questions, you know these are good topics to write about.

The easiest way to search for these questions is to use a free keyword research tool. Following methods:

i) Visit any Free Keyword Generator Tool.

ii) Enter a broad topic related to your location or website (eg coffee, tea)

iii) Toggle the Questions tab.

Answer Questions people are Asking

You will see a list of questions related to the topic you entered. These queries are listed in order of search volume, which is the average number of times people search for your desired keyword per month.

The higher the search volume, the more people will find it.

Go through the list and note any relevant questions that you can answer with a blog post.

13- Keep a Commonplace Book

How do you come up with unique ideas and angles for your content?

The simple answer is that as a content writer, you should always do your research. Whether it’s books, YouTube videos, articles, or podcasts, you need to consume content and advance your knowledge in your field.

Then store your new knowledge in a common ledger.

What is a popular book?

According to Ryan Halliday, an average book is:

… a central resource or depository for ideas, quotes, anecdotes, observations and information you come across during your life and didactic pursuits. The purpose of the book is to record and organize these gems for later use in your life, in your business, in your marketing writing, speaking or whatever it is that you do.

With this resource, you don’t have to look for inspiration while writing. Just remove them from the book of the world.

Personally, I prefer general books to concepts. It looks like this:

Marketing and Advertising

This is my first port of call before writing any blog post.

Closing Words

To amazing marketing writing content, you have to write.

But if you wait for inspiration before you put pen to paper, you’ll never publish anything. Instead, I recommend sticking to a content calendar. This is basically a UN schedule for when you want to post new content and what content to post.

Setting a deadline will keep you honest, prevent procrastination, and compel you to post.