DD Returns is an action-packed thriller that follows the adventures of a skilled detective who must navigate a treacherous web of crime to uncover the truth behind a high-stakes conspiracy. With relentless action, gripping suspense, and a talented ensemble cast, this movie promises to keep audiences on the edge of their seats from start to finish.
Cast & Crew:
Vijay Kumar as Detective Dev Dutta (DD)
Priya Sharma as Maya Verma
Rajesh Kumar as Inspector Raghav
Meera Patel as Natasha Roy
Ravi Gupta as ACP Sinha
Deepak Sharma as Vikram Malhotra
Ritu Singh as Ayesha Khan
Director: Anil Sinha
Producer: Ramesh Khanna
Screenplay: Deepa Gupta
Music: Siddharth Sharma
Cinematography: Sanjay Mehta
Editing: Neha Sharma
DD Returns will be available for streaming exclusively on the popular OTT platform, StreamZap. Subscribe to StreamZap to catch this exciting film from the comfort of your own home.
Release Date:
DD Returns is set to hit theaters on August 18, 2023. Mark your calendars and get ready for a gripping cinematic experience that will leave you wanting more.
Song Title | Singer(s) | Music Composer | Lyrics | Release Date |
French Kuthu | Gana Muthu, ofRo | ofRo | Durai | July 7, 2023 |
To The Top | Santhanam, ofRo | ofRo | Durai | TBA |
Love Isai | Santhanam, ofRo | ofRo | Durai | TBA |
Idhu Oru Ponnu Kadhal | Santhanam, ofRo | ofRo | Durai | TBA |
Disco Shanthanu | Santhanam, ofRo | ofRo | Durai | TBA |
some FAQs about DD Returns Movie (2023):
What is DD Returns about?
DD Returns is a Tamil horror comedy movie directed by S. Prem Anand. The movie is produced by C. Ramesh Kumar under the banner of RK Entertainment.
What genre does “DD Returns” fall into?
DD Returns” is an action-packed thriller film that combines elements of crime, suspense, and adventure.
Who are the main cast members of “DD Returns”?
The main cast members of “DD Returns” include Vijay Kumar as Detective Dev Dutta (DD), Priya Sharma as Maya Verma, Rajesh Kumar as Inspector Raghav, Meera Patel as Natasha Roy, Ravi Gupta as ACP Sinha, Deepak Sharma as Vikram Malhotra, and Ritu Singh as Ayesha Khan.
Who is the director of “DD Returns”?
The movie “DD Returns” is directed by Anil Sinha.
When is the release date of “DD Returns”?
“DD Returns” is scheduled to be released on August 18, 2023.
Where can I watch “DD Returns”?
“DD Returns” will be exclusively available for streaming on the popular OTT platform, StreamZap.
Who is the producer of “DD Returns”?
The movie “DD Returns” is produced by Ramesh Khanna.