Chithha is an upcoming Tamil-Telugu thriller drama film directed by SU Arun Kumar and starring Siddharth in the lead role. The film also stars Nimisha Sajayan, Samuthirakani, and Karunakaran in supporting roles. Chithha is produced by Siddharth’s home banner Etaki Entertainment and Red Giant Movies. The film’s music is composed by Dhibu Ninan Thomas and the cinematography is handled by Sukumaran.
The film’s title, Chithha, is short for Chitthappa, which means paternal uncle in Tamil. The film is said to be a thriller drama that explores the love and affection between a chitthappa and his nephew. The story is said to be set in the backdrop of a small town and will deal with themes of family, betrayal, and revenge.
Siddharth plays the role of a chitthappa who is deeply attached to his nephew. The film is said to be a departure from Siddharth’s usual action-packed roles and will see him in a more emotional and vulnerable avatar. Nimisha Sajayan plays the role of the nephew’s love interest. Samuthirakani plays the role of the antagonist, while Karunakaran plays a supporting role.
Chithha Movie (2023) Cast.
Character | Actor |
Chitthappa | Siddharth |
Nephew | Abhay Bethiganti |
Nephew’s love interest | Nimisha Sajayan |
Antagonist | Samuthirakani |
Supporting role | Karunakaran |